
Jim & Danielle MacKay
Collegeville Toastmasters Founders

Founded in January 2015 by Jim and Danielle MacKay, Collegeville Toastmasters has been a nurturing ground for personal growth and professional development ever since. It all began with a simple yet powerful vision: to create a supportive community where individuals like Jim could conquer their fear of public speaking and evolve into confident communicators and accomplished leaders.

Our Story

Jim MacKay, one of our founders, knows firsthand the anxiety that often accompanies speaking in front of an audience. However, he also understood that this challenge could be transformed into a valuable opportunity for growth. With unwavering determination, he embarked on a journey to overcome his fear and empower others to do the same. Thus, Collegeville Toastmasters was born.

Our Approach

We provide a supportive and encouraging environment where members can hone their speaking abilities through prepared speeches, impromptu talks, and constructive feedback. Whether you're a seasoned speaker or a novice, we offer a structured program that caters to your unique needs and aspirations.

Join Us

If you're looking to conquer your fears, become a better communicator, and unlock your leadership potential, Collegeville Toastmasters is the place for you. Join our community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and professional excellence. Take the first step towards your journey to confidence, and embark on a path to success.

Contact us today to learn more about how Collegeville Toastmasters can help you become the communicator and leader you aspire to be. We look forward to welcoming you into our supportive community.

Who we are

Collegeville Toastmasters is a vibrant community of individuals committed to personal growth and professional development. Our club was born out of the desire to overcome the fear of public speaking and become exceptional communicators and leaders. We understand that effective communication is the key to unlocking success in both personal and professional realms. Our club offers a warm and supportive environment where members, whether beginners or experienced speakers, can build their speaking skills, boost their confidence, and embrace leadership roles. Join us on this transformative journey and experience the power of effective communication and leadership. At Collegeville Toastmasters, we're not just a club; we're a family of like-minded individuals working together to achieve greatness.

 2023-2024 Officers

Scott Shirley


Jim Mackay

VP of Education

Amy Feierman

VP of Membership

Scott Simon

VP of Public Relations

Danielle MacKay


Scott Houde

Sergeant at Arms